Burdock Root Benefits for Kidney Health

Read about the amazing cleansing benefits of this herb and how to use it

I have only recently started diving into herbology and the wonderous benefits of what nature provides.

Herbs always sounds like such an overwhelming concept. There are so many different herbs all over the world, some with strange names like bladderwhack, and some that are more familiar like mint.

Sometimes, the things that sound or look strange can be too intimidating for us to want to try, but you have to remember that there exists things outside of what we’ve been taught that contribute to our health and wellbeing.

We consume herbs everyday, in tea, or in dishes, so don’t feel too intimidated as I introduce an herb that may be new to your vernacular.

What is Burdock Root?

Just like the vegetables sweet potatoes and yams, burdock is a root that grows in the ground and sprouts into a flower from the daisy family.

It has been valued across the Eastern hemisphere for centuries for it’s purifying abilities in our bodies.

It’s leaves are heart-shaped, another beautiful example of nature reflecting nature, considering this root does miracles to our blood, that pumps throughout our body from the heart.

What are its Benefits?

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, this root has been associated with the stomach and lung meridians. They describe it as a “cool” vegetable, meaning it reduces internal heat or inflammation.

It is also proven to improve skin health and texture.

It is a natural diuretic which supports healthy digestion and elimination processes, as well as an antioxdant powerhouse.

However, on top of all of this, it is a master blood cleanser, which supports the kidney’s and lymphatic system.

How Does it Support the Kidney’s?

Our kidneys are so vital for our natural detoxification processes. Each kidney lies on either side of our body’s meridians, and they have many major functions.

Some of these functions include removing waste products and excess fluids through urination. When something is wrong with our kidney’s, this fluid can build up in the body and find a place to sit. Often with kidney disease, you develop something called gout, which is a painful response to kidney damage.

In addition to this, the opposite can also occur. Sometimes the body eliminates too much and doesn’t absorb the minerals and vitamins adequately in our bloodstream, often leaving those suffering from kidney ailments with deficiencies that can cause other problems.

Lastly, the kidney’s create a hormone that signals red blood cell production and control of blood pressure. So elevated blood pressure can be a result of overburden in the kidneys. Everything is connected.

So what can burdock root do to support the kidneys and keep them healthy?

Burdock root supports the lymphatic system which is in charge of moving the toxins and waste in our body to get filtered by the kidneys and ultimately eliminated. A slow moving lymphatic system can result in an increase in toxins in our body which exhausts the immune system and eventually, creates disease.

Burdock root is incredibly rare in its ability to stimulate lymphatic drainage and detoxify the body.

Another incredible effect of burdock root is it’s diuretic ability that stimulates the kidney’s. By allowing urine to be passed more frequently and in greater quantity - this helps to cleanse the kidneys and can prevent water retention. By increasing the rate of urination, Burdock Root can help to remove waste from the blood and body. However, it’s important to postpone the use of Burdock Root if you suffer from chronic dehydration.

Lastly, it is considered a blood “purifier” which just means it acts on the blood to remove any toxins or pathogens from flowing through our body in the circulatory system. This can also have positive benefits for those suffering with ezcema.

How Can I Consume Burdock Root?

I find the best way to intake Burdock root is through a tea or capsules. It is important to source herbs safely and ensure you’re getting your money’s worth because sometimes people will advertise their product as one thing but it contains 10 other substances.

I use Burdock Root whenever I am starting to feel under the weather. Presently I have a bit of a chest cold and overproduction of mucus. So I am using Burdock Root tea to support my organs and detoxification abilities.

It is important to safely consume any herb so make sure you consume the capsule according to the packaging.

I would recommend a tea every day only if you are trying to rid yoursef of a common cold or flu like myself, however if you are suffering from a kidney or liver condition you can try a tea every few days. Like anything, too much of one thing isn’t good for you, but in moderation, is perfectly fine.

I would also suggest trying a tea or capsule for a few days and see how the detoxification affects your body before starting a whole regiment.

The Product I Use:

I use a tea. Put about a tablespoon in your own tea bag or tea steeper.

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These are clean, well-sourced capsules.

Click HERE to shop.

I earn income through the affiliate program with Amazon if you make a purchase through the link provided.

If you are looking for personal holistic coaching and more herbal recommendations consider booking a FREE consultation with me below to start your healing journey.


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