11 Step Heart And Hip Opening Yin Practice to Release Tension and Stress
This yin sequence is perfect to do anywhere you have arm’s length worth of space. We target the hips and shoulders, the two points where we hold the most tension in our bodies. It is important to give these areas a gentle release by breathing into the muscles and kindly asking them to let go.
Sitting at a desk all day or even standing all day, puts a lot of stress on our bodies, a 40 minute yin yoga class can give your body the relief it needs and prevent injury or chronic pain to manifest.
Props are not needed for this sequence however, if you would like to sit in a chair at the beginning rather then the floor please do so. Also, be sure to use yoga blocks when needed in butterfly pose under the knees. Never push yourself beyond your edge and relax into each posture comfortably.
Play relaxing meditation music, light incense or a candle, and yin out.
Pose 1: Hero’s Pose (with curled toes)
Sit back gently on your heels and sink deep with your toes curled. Great stretch for the toes and back of your feet. Ease out of the posture if it is too uncomfortable. Hold and breathe for 3-5 minutes.
Pose 2: Side Body Stretch Pose
Breathe into your side body as you gently open your intercostal muscles along with other side body muscles. Hold for 3 minutes and switch sides.
Pose 3: Neck Stretch Pose
Gently pull the neck to one side while your opposing arm rests or reaches out to the side. Be gentle in this posture and do not tug at your neck, simply guide your neck to one side and open up the neck muscles to release tension. Never yank or pull on the neck and release if too uncomfortable. Hold and breathe for 3-5 minutes and switch sides.
Pose 4: Seated Heart Opener
Our first heart opener of class this pose really gets the chest open as well as the front of the neck. Relax into this simple backbend that improves flexibility in the spine and makes you feel centres. Hold and breathe for 2 minutes.
Pose 5: Butterfly Pose
This pose allows the hips to open as the knees gently release towards the ground. Feel free to place blocks under the knees in this posture for more support and you can give a slight round of the back and try to reach your forehead towards your toes. Be sure to relax the shoulders and the neck and breathe into this posture for 3-5 minutes.
Pose 6: Puppy Pose
Another great heart opener that also targets the armpits and a little of the neck. Relax into this posture with your forehead resting on the ground, hovering slightly above, or for a challenge, the chin on the ground and eyes gazing forward. Hold and breathe for 3 minutes.
Pose 7: Sphinx Pose
Place your elbows on either side of your ribs and draw your chest, heart, and gaze forward in this gentle heart opener. Pull back with your hands in the ground to get deeper into this posture but ensure there is not too much strain on the lower back. Draw the shoulders down your back and continue to open through the sternum. Hold and breathe for 3-5 minutes.
Pose 8: Child’s Pose
Hold this child’s pose briefly for 1 minute to counter pose the Sphinx and release the lower back.
Pose 9: Shoulder - Opening Pose
You can ease into this posture by gently coming forward onto your stomach from child’s pose. Spread your arms out like a T and gently roll over onto your right side propping your left hand beside you elbow facing up for stability. You should feel this stretch in the front of your shoulder. Both legs can be straight or bend your left knee in front of you for support. Hold and breathe for 3 minutes and then switch sides.
Pose 10: Supine Figure Four Pose
Relax onto your back and draw the left ankle onto the right knee as you draw your knee closer to your chest. You can have your foot flexed in the air like ours or relaxing on the ground. Hold and breathe into this hip opener for 3-5 minutes and switch sides.
Pose 11: Corpse Pose
Relax and meditate in your final resting posture and express gratitude to yourself for coming this far. Remain here as long as you want.