My 4 Step Approach to Holistic Healing

I have curated my programs to cater to mind, body, and spirit that allows my clients to grow in multiple areas of their life.

As I continue my studies of business and marketing, I understand the importance of having a clear message and story.

If you have been here a while, I am sure I have already made it vehemently clear my passion towards health, wellness, and overall optimization.

My studies of the body and mind have all lead me to the conclusion that the part of us that holds those both together is our spirit. Although, everything is intrinsically woven together, our true Selves lie in the part of us not visible on scans or blood charts, rather in the parts of humanity that make us who we are.

It is why I feel that a meal plan or workout is never the solution to finding health. You can have a green smoothie everyday, practice yoga for an 1HR everyday, and still feel unfulfilled and miserable everyday; which will keep you more susceptible to disease and unfortunate circumstances in life.

Cultivating peace and mindfulness in health-driven activities like yoga or making smoothies give you buoyancy; which make you more likely to continue these activities. They are not just things you do to be healthy, but the things you are.

We all know the percentage of people who try to commit to a healthy way of living by changing their diet or workout routines.

They spend money on Jenny Craig or WW and buy a pass to their local gym. They say tomorrow is the day I change so participate in their “final feast” meals the day before, signalling their bodies they are about the enter another one of those short-term fasting modes. They lack the guidance and innate determination because the mind knows that after a week or a month, you will quit again.

Fortitude brings self-trust, self -trust brings internal elation. When you commit to yourself first and uncoil the painful past that has brought self-limiting behavior, you can finally move into a place of truly believing in your supernatural capabilities that breed healing, peace, and enlightenment.

From these concepts, I created my personalized programs, that lean into the individual and unblock the soul, so the mind and body are free.

My 4 Steps:

1.     Identify and Explore:

Identify the issue that has been holding you back from being your healthiest, most vibrant self.

These issues range from any physical ailment or disease, mental blockages or disease, personal power problems in the workforce or relationships, or feelings of lack of direction and purpose.

Sometimes our awareness only lies in one problem, like back pain, and you are unaware of the other symptoms of our disease or unhappiness.

Maybe you are unaware of the consistent negative thinking on a daily basis, or the way you consistently fall into relationships that are damaging, or you are not exercising in a manner that suits your body frames, or you exist in a depression or constant state of anxiety. Whatever problem you come to me with may or may not be accompanied by a host of others, but since everything is connected, the conjunction of problems can be resolved together.

We will explore your daily lifestyle, diet, and situations surrounding the ailment to determine the root cause or causes.

In this consultation phase we identify the problem you came with, the ones you also experience simultaneously, and explore the causes before moving into the planning.

2.     Planning:

In this phase I do most of the legwork after receiving your completed questionnaires, diet diaries, and any other documents I feel I may need to review before creating your personalized plan.

If I feel like you are not getting enough movement or the movement is not working for you then part of the plan will cater towards movement requirements and workouts that will always include an element of yoga even if it is more yin than yang.

If you are suffering with a mental disorder, for example depression, part of the plan will be to get you into things that will create a sense of joy and also self-care work. This can include changing your environment, changing who you interact with, or implementing a new structured routine. Once the root cause is determined the pieces that will encourage healing are easily discovered.

If you feel disconnected or feel a loss of the spiritual Self than self-work practices will be included in the plan that may include: a meditation practice, mindfulness routine, book readings, and lessons with me to reinvoke connection and feel whole again.

Naturally, all of this is connected to our external and internal environments. So, nutrition is at the core of my work. Changing the way you eat can be a delicate process that will involve changing a lot about the way you think about food. Understanding food as medicine and curating a plan that will resolve your specific ailment is one of the most important parts about what I do.

3.     Implementing:

This phase is mostly you and a little me. It is the time where you put all our talk into action. I will serve more as a cheerleader in this phase but also remain hands on by creating your personal yoga classes and sometimes meditations.

You will have already been given all the tools, and it is now up to you to really give it your all to heal your life.

My guidance will constantly be available to you when needed and we will have weekly check-ups to track the progress.

4.     Discovery:

By the end of the program, you should be addicted to the new you, and have built some serious self-trust by doing something you never thought you could.

At this point, you have discovered your freedom.

You have built sustainable health based on the tools I have given you to change your life.

At the end of the program, we review the results and changes and determine whether it is necessary to continue with me or, whether you have the tools to continue autonomously.

However, parts of the program can continue if so desired like the weekly meal plans and recipes or personal yoga programs.


I believe so much in the power of the individual and what we can achieve. Sometimes you just need the right push to get your feet back beneath you, and I look forward to continue to change the lives of those with through my 4 step approach.


Vegan vs. Plant-Based


Sweet & Savory Vegan Breakfast: Banana- Matcha -Choco Chip Pancakes