5 Spiritual Books that Transformed my Life
Books have always been therapeutic for me.
My love for words and how they’re used to inspire and transform lives is apparent through the books featured in the list below.
I have always been called to non-fiction although, I fell in love with fiction in my earlier life. To this day, “always” has been one of my favorite words for it’s infinite nature and if you read the final book of Harry Potter, you’d understand the emotional, climactic, attachment to the word as well.
My first touch into the world of spirituality began with my discovery of Dr. Joe Dispenza, and I wish I remembered exactly how. He is featured twice on this list because his books became “bibles” to me, filled with lessons and invoking thoughts that still have me contemplating and critically thinking on a daily basis.
These books inspired the habits and mindset I have today, and fostered within me a deep search for something more outside of me while also deepening my connection with myself and my three pillars of Being.
I hope one of these books gifts you the same, and come to you in divine timing, like they did for me.
The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle
One of the shortest books on this list, but perhaps the most dense.
This book taught me so many lessons with of course the most importantly being the title of the book, learning the power of the present moment.
It seems like the most simple concept in the world, in the present moment, there is no past or future, time in it’s essence is an illusion, so if we stop reflecting on the past and concentrating on the future we find the present, where we can discover freedom and happiness.
Eckhart Tolle taught me how when we become conscious of our breathing and settle into ourselves, we come into the present moment where we free ourselves from the chains of our past and anxieties of the future. Because in the present moment neither of these can exist, so what we chain ourselves too and have anxiety about, actually do not exist.
As simple as it seems, it is very complex and takes practice to master.
He also offers relationship advice by which we learn to “see ourselves in others.” This was something I really started working on. With social media we live in comparison and cancel culture. We have stopped understanding ourselves as universal beings with universal connectedness. We ALL make mistakes, we ALL falter, we ALL lie, we ALL struggle, we ALL suffer. When I see you, I see myself, and from that place, we can listen and understand each other in ways of peace and love.
I cannot even summarize this book any further, it was just beyond transformative and I highly, highly recommend reading it and underlying notes that resonate with you. A lot of the times I find myself browsing the pages and finding something I underlined, reminding myself of a philosophical truth that Tolle granted me.
I leave this summary with this quote.
“ The philosopher Descartes believed that he had found the most fundamental truth when he made his famous statement. ‘I think, therefore I am.’ He had, in fact, given expression to the most basic error: to equate thinking with Being and identity with thinking. The compulsive thinker, which means almost everyone, lives in a state of apparent separateness, in an insanely complex world of continuous problems and conflict, a world that reflects the ever-increasing fragmentation of the mind. Enlightenment is a state of wholeness, of being “at one” and therefor at peace. At one with life in its manifested aspect, the world, as well as with your deepest self and life unmanifested— at one with Being.”
2. Becoming Supernatural by Dr. Joe Dispenza
The first Dispenza book I’ve ever read.
I am curious at the fact that the same color scheme was used for the cover as The Power of Now.
This book dives into the power of meditation and the actual science behind it. Dr. Joe is a metaphysicist and an acclaimed scientist for his field. He makes science digestible and has created breathworks and meditations that have transformed lives, including my own.
Though the understanding of frequencies and energy, I was able to understand the frequency of my own body and feel the energy that emanates from my being all day. By raising our energy to match the frequency of what we desire out of life, we literally elevate ourselves into becoming who we want to be.
He explains stress, and disease being associated with low-level energy (literally showing the scientific findings and charts) and teaches people going through these strifes to “become supernatural” and heal themselves through energy.
I keep this book on a wooden book opener on my dining room table not only for myself to flip through on any given day and remind myself of his teachings, but because I believe so strongly in what he professes that I look forward to the curious visitor in our home ask what and why that book is open on our table, providing me with an opportunity to explain and hopefully engage them to try his practices as well.
A quote from the book.
“The real challenge is not to return to the level of mediocrity that the prevailing social consciousness agrees on merely because we don’t see anyone else doing what we are doing. True leadership never needs confirmation from others. It just requires a clear vision and a change in energy—that is, a new state of being—that is sustained for a long enough period of time and executed with a strong enough will that it causes others to raise their own energy and become inspired to do the same.”
3. You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay
Louise Hay is one of those angels that comes on the Earth ever so often and provides the universe with simple truths that can transform lives.
The power of the mind is what this book is all about and how affirmations can change your habits, routines, and mindset that ultimately change your life.
Her visualization techniques and relentless positive thinking influenced me in incredible ways. It allowed me to start realizing how often I think of the worst possible situation. Naturally, our brains are programmed for survival and a huge part of survival is thinking of the future in a negative way so we can “prepare ourselves” or “find the solution” for something that hasn’t even happened yet, but has the potential to.
This way of thinking creates chronic negative thinking patterns which will set up your frequency to attract only those types of experiences. When we start actually believing that we are more than what we see in the mirror and what people call us, and actually believe that we ARE powerful, we ARE abundant, we ARE beautiful, we ARE lovable, we ARE worthy, you won’t believe how these thoughts actually start to create tangible changes in our life.
Hay provides us with affirmation solutions for all types of illnesses and diseases.
One of my most repeated affirmation out loud and in my mind is from this book:
“In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole, and complete. I no longer choose to believe in old limitations and lack. I now choose to begin to see myself as the Universe sees me—perfect, whole, and complete. The truth of my Being is that I was created perfect, whole, and complete. I will always be perfect, whole and complete. I now choose to live my life from this understanding. I am in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing. All is well in my world.”
4. You Are The Placebo by Dr. Joe Dispenza
Another scientifically dense book filled with tons of success stories and inspiration.
This book will have you believing in yourself like never before and what your mind can do.
Placebo research is so fascinating and is often used as the control group in scientific research. I genuinely fell in love with the work Joe does even further after reading this book. Reminding myself of the placebo affect and how we can create our own realities through the power of the mind is a philosophy I try to implement on all my clients who come to me for holistic nutrition or healing.
He truly shaped my mind into believing in miracles again and in the potentials of the universe.
5. The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz
I used to see this book on my parents book stand growing up. It is the simplest read out of the five but will leave you rethinking a lot of choices in your life with a new lens.
Like the 10 commandments, the four agreements are guidelines that if followed, can lead to more a positive, robust life.
It teaches us that throughout our growth, we are constantly making agreements with our reality. Our brain agrees that these people who raised us are our parents, our brain agrees that the color they told us to describe the sky is blue, and so on.
These agreements we make ultimately shape our personality, our outlook, our opinions, and our reality.
Some of the agreements are good, and some cause us harm. But agreeing to these 4 that Don outlines in the book will help us spiritually and create a sense of peace in what is a rather chaotic world.
I won’t reveal to you what these 4 agreements are because I encourage you to read this extremely short but profound novel. I hope it awakens in you something it did for me, a new understanding of my world and how it is limitless.